Thursday, 16 April 2015

How To Make Invisible Name Facebook Account Without Using Proxy 2015

Hy friends,

                    I back again with new trick 4 you who don't want 2 use proxy to change their name so I have solved your problem just follow the step.>


‪‬ 1. First Open Chrome Web Store And Download Click Here

And Install "Hola Better Internet" Extension in your Browser Click on Free Then open FB Account

2.Open Hola Internate Extention

3.Change Contry To "Indonesia"

★★ For Invisible Name ★★

Follow this Steps

1.Go to Account setting and Change Language English US to "Bahasa Indonesia"

2. Remove your Last Name.

3. Put PﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞM in your First Name and Remove P and M letter

4. Enter your password and click on Save

5. Change your language to English US

6. Your Name is now Invisible ✓


ENJOY........................... And Please Share It................. Sharing Is Caring

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