Tuesday, 30 December 2014

How to repair dead pedrive [Solved!]

How to repair dead pedrive [Solved!] 


All of you are using pen drive in your regular life and many of you faced problems like write protection while copying  sometimes it'll not detectable and many times your pen drive goes totally dead ! so here i thought of writing solution related to such problems. I have face similar problem with my pen drive which is normally detecting but giving warning like we need to format before using so when i go for formatting it'll not complete and finally gives warning like "Windows was unable to format" . So tried in many ways to resolve this problem i couldn't ! so finally i made one experimental hit which i usually used to make any USB drive as bootable. So with information you'll learn two major tricks simultaneously !

So let me begin with few steps for better understanding 
  • Firstly you need to go to command prompt (Run -> cmd)
Now further steps are more important and are case sensitive as well as format so please go through following commands carefully !

After going into cmd type "diskpart" then hit enter, now another window will open, wait for few seconds and it'll allow you to enter your next commands
  • Then type "list disk" and hit enter, it'll show you list of disks from your computer and go through them wisely find your pendrive by finding size of the disk. usually i'll be "disk 1".
  • Then type "select disk 1" and hit enter.
  • Then type "clean" and hit enter. 
  • Then type "create partition primary" and hit enter .
  • Then type "active" and enter .
  • Then type "select partition 1" and hit enter.
  • Then finally type "format fs=fat32" and hit enter
That's all after this it'll start formatting and starts from 0% and goes upto 100% so you need you wait until it'll get complete then type "exit" and hit enter

Now all is done! you can see your pen drive working properly well !
Please feel free to ask quarries if you feel any difficulties in the above steps.
Please share it if you feel it is helpful! 

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