Tuesday, 1 September 2015

How to Add Middle Finger and Dislike Emoticon in Facebook Chat

Most of you would have been think that it would be great if we had Middle Finger and Dislike Emoticon in Facebook Chat, But its not available in the facebook chat emoticon section. But some of the programmers have created a Middle Finger and Dislike Emoticon for the users to get rid of the random, boring, regular facebook emoticon in facebook chat. These two emoticon will make the conversation interesting and thrilling. In this article i will show you 

“How to Add Middle Finger and Dislike Emoticon in Facebook Chat”.

As we know, Facebook chat is one among the best way of communicating with friends due to the number of emoticon that they delivers to make your conversation alive. Some months ago we have also come across the ‘like’ smiley by typing (y).  There are various other strange emoticon codes accepted within Facebook Chat, comments and even status updates like Gangam style, poop, Rock emoticon and so on.
As these kind of smileys  is considered to be the most essential factor in the completion of conversations in the online world, people started depending on these kind of short smileys or icons to express their feeling that cannot be done through just words.

How to Add Middle Finger and Dislike Emoticon in Facebook Chat

1. Login into Facebook

Firstly you need to Login into your facebook account to get started.

2. Start a Conversation

After you have logined into your facebook account, you have to start a conversation with any of your friends.

3. Middle Finger

To Send Middle Finger Emoticon Type this code in the chat message box [[midfing]]

4. Dislike

To Send Dislike Emoticon Type this code in the chat message box [[iidislyk]]

Enjoy Guys! and don't forget to post your comments.

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