Tuesday, 24 March 2015

How To Improve Your Android Smartphones Battery Life

One of the problem with most of the android smartphone users is low battery life. With all those awesome apps running on your android smartphone, it always make you frown when you get the Low Battery warning. When I had my first android smartphone (Sony Xperia P), the only problem I had with it was the poor battery life. But soon I discovered that by following a few steps its possible to prolong the battery life.


How To Improve Your Android Smartphones Battery Life

One of the problem with most of the android smartphone users is low battery life. With all those awesome apps running on your android smartphone, it always make you frown when you get the Low Battery warning. When I had my first android smartphone (Sony Xperia P), the only problem I had with it was the poor battery life. But soon I discovered that by following a few steps its possible to prolong the battery life.

How To Improve Your Android Smartphones Battery Life
Here are those few steps to follow so that you can get as much battery life out of your smartphone as possible.
1. Don’t use live wallpapers
Those live wallpapers in your android looks awesome but the actually its eating away a lot of battery life. Its better to use a simple wallpaper instead of animated live wallpapers.
2. Adjust screen brightness
It is another factor which is consuming your battery life. Its always recommended to use minimum brightness or select the Power saver Mode.
3. WiFi, Data Communication & Bluetooth
Of course you cannot be always cut off from the internet. But while you are not using the internet its better to turn off the wifi or packet data connection. And always remember to turn of your Bluetooth after your use as it drains away your android battery life.
4. Turn off Auto-sync & Background Data
Keep your background data switched off whenever possible. Also if you have synced with Facebook or Twitter or other accounts make sure that you don’t always get auto synced. Instead you would have a a auto sync once per week to get everything synced.
5. Kill your unwanted background apps.
There will be a lot of applications that are running in the background although you will not use them, they use a large share of the available memory so it is always recommended to free up the resources by using third-party apps like “Super Task Killer” or “Advanced Task Killer” or any other app.
Try to follow these steps and you will surely get a little more battery life. So what other tips does you follow to improve your android smartphone battery life.

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