Thursday, 19 March 2015

Increase your Computer Speed 1000X

Hi Guys, 
             Today in this article I will show you how simply you can increase your speed 1000 times more. And I promise that this tricks will definitely work. So, let's go.
This trick will help your computer work faster than ever before. To increase the speed of your computer, please follow the steps below:

        1. Go to start, click run and then type “regedit”
         2. Then Double Click On "HKEY_CURRENT_USER”

         3. Then Double Click on “control panel” folder

          4. And after that select the “desktop folder”. Make sure you do it Correctly.You will see a big list of

             5. You will see a big list of "registry setting" on your right hand side. In that list, select "menu show 
                   delay”, then right click on it and select "modify".

              6.  You will find "edit string option" where the "default value data is 400". Change the Value Data to


Yipeee..................You have boosted your pc. Congratulations...............
Restart you computer after completing the above process. You will notice a significant change in your computers’ speed!

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