Saturday, 21 March 2015

How To Make Single Name Facebook Account

Hi Guys,
  Now here I am going share another amazing Facebook trick to make single Facebook 

account. As per rule it is not possible to Make account on Facebook without Last name.

 But if you want to make your Facebook profile with First name without using last

 name then simply follow my given steps.

Steps To Make Single Name FB Account

 To make this article more simple. I divide this article into two parts so it will become easy to understand. In first part we will change our proxy settings for browser and in second part we make our Facebook account name single. So follow both parts step by step carefully

 Part 1:- Proxy Settings For Browser

  • First of all to use single name on Facebook. We need to Add manual proxy settings in our browser. So we need to use Indonesian proxy Search it at Google or i recommend to find it from or any other site of your choice. 
  •  If you have knowledge about Using proxy settings in browser then its good.
  • In case Your are not able to add proxy settings and facing any problem then i recommend to download Hola Better Internet VPN. 
  • Install Hola Extension in Firefox or Chrome and then turn ON Hola and search and select Country Indonesia. 
  • It will automatically Implement proxy settings on your browser so you don't need to add proxies manually.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    Part 2:- Settings To Make Single Facebook Account  

  •  After doing proxy settings manually or by using Hola extension make sure it is working fine on Facebook.
  • Now its time to create single name id to do this.
  • Open your Facebook Account  Settings.
  • Change your language to Bahasa Indonesia.
  • Then  edit your current Facebook profile name and Simply remove Your Last Name. After that review your name and Save it.  
  • After Completing all steps, Remove Manual Proxy or Turn off Hola and change your language back to English (US) or other according to you.

    Note:- Make Sure that You Don't had already changed your account name from last 60 days and otherwise you will not be able to make single name until you crossed 60 days time period. If you crossed name change limit then it is not possible try it on another account.


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